Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stupid sinuses!

Saturday night we got with some friends for supper and spent a gorgeous November evening around their fire pit. Since then my head has felt like it's going to explode! My throat is scratchy too, which doesn't fare well for a person whose job it is to talk on the phone!!! For me there isn't many smells better than that of a "camp"fire, but I'm pretty sure my sinuses are not happy with me for inhaling that wonderful smoke all night!!!

Now to the point...it's really hard to exercise when you're not feeling well! I took some NyQuil last night before bed, knowing how my scratchy throat had been causing me to cough right up until bed time. I love how NyQuil knocks me out. What I don't like is that most mornings after being medicated with that wonderful cough suppressant I wake up feeling like I haven't gotten any sleep at all!! Therefore, this chick did NOT wake up at 5:30 am for my morning Insanity workout.

That's so not cool! You might say, "oh, it's just one day". Nope...last week I didn't exercise AT ALL!!! My knees hurt, my back hurt, everything hurt last week. While I know these are merely excuses, they were enough to give me the latitude to hit snooze...for an hour...every day! So that one day this week that I didn't exercise can be added to the five days last week that I didn't exercise! NOT COOL!

I got online and asked the almighty Google if I should still exercise with a cold. Yep...in fact they say that exercise may help break up some of the crud that is currently building in my chest. Darn it! And here I thought rest was what this body needed.

So how am I going to get up in the morning? Honestly, I'm not sure. I've considered putting my alarm clock (aka my cell phone) some place other than my bed side. Maybe I'll do that. One of my favorite characters in one of my equally favorite books does just that. He puts it in the bathroom. That's the first place I go when I get out of bed...seems like a smart idea to me!!

So tonight I will test it. My alarm clock is going in the bathroom...and I'm going to get up despite my horrible sinuses, and I'm going to push play another day!!!