Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Former Self

So I realized that I never really took a picture before my weight loss journey. So I went back through my pictures and found probably THE MOST unattractive picture that was taken of me in the month of May, the month I made the decision to change. I can't stand looking at it, which I guess is a good least it'll help keep me on the right path!

I vividly remember JC taking pregnancy pictures, with both children, of my belly growing in front of our very eyes. Every month I'd pose sideways so we could see that precious life coming to be. It was amazing to experience.

So, just like we documented my belly getting bigger, I'm going to document, in pictures, me leaving my former self and becoming a happier, healthier me!!! Becoming the woman that God made...he didn't make me to be what I am today. I made me that way through a series of bad decisions. But my story doesn't end there. I'm not going to just throw in the towel. I have lots of living to do!

This blog, taking pictures of myself month after month, and getting excited over even a fraction of weight lost might seem silly to some people, but this is a part of my story! It's a wonderful story, and the ending is going to be fantastic!!!


  1. when I look at your picture, I just see you--beautiful, strong, powerful you. The girl that jump served and made people run off the court. The girl that played hoops better than most ever dreamed of. The girl that really tried to talk me into playing Rugby our freshman year in college. The girl that I truly feel blessed to have roomed with in college--if only for one semester, it was truly enough time to realize how much I love and care about you as one of my dearest friends. And, yes, in this picture on the blog that you have trouble looking at I see the girl that is and will continue to become a healthier version of herself daily. So, remember, don't be too hard on yourself--honor where you're at now as a beautiful creation that is heading in the right direction.

  2. Mindy Jean, you always know the right things to say!! The volleyball comment made me laugh out loud!! Oh and I didn't want to play rugby for the sport...I wanted to play it for the zooloo (not me though)!!! I don't thank you enough for being the awesome friend you are. Please read your comment back to yourself and imagine me saying those words to you, because that's exactly how I feel about you. Love you!!!
