Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The best Jamie I can be!

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. I read today that while it may take 21 days to remember to perform that habit, it takes at least 30 days to be able to do that habit without even thinking!

I'd like to sit here and tell you that for the next 30 days I'm going to exercise every day, track my food intake, and do every other habit that will help push me towards weight loss success. But guess what, I'm not perfect. And I know that there will be days that I mess up!

See, I think that's my biggest hurdle right now. The fear of messing up! But why? I guess you could say I've always had a fear of failure. I don't want to let people down, including myself. Why when I want something so bad do I continue to have this fear? Especially when before a soccer game I sit there and tell Emma that it's okay to not play perfectly as long as she's continuing to do her best! "Be the best Emma you can be!" Funny how you give your kids all this advice, but when you look down deep inside of yourself, you should be looking in the mirror saying those same words to the human being looking back at you.

For the last week I've busted my butt on the treadmill. But as my Weight Watchers meeting approaches, in my gut I feel that I'm not going to be happy with the numbers on that scale. And it's my own fault. I haven't been tracking, and I'd be happy to give you all the excuses as to why!!!

So here's the deal. I understand that I'm human and I will mess up, but when I do things, I hate doing them half-ass! So here goes...for the next 30 days I'm going to work on forming a very important habit. I'm going to write down every single thing that is going in my mouth, even if it's the snack sized Kit Kat that is one of my guilty pleasures!!! Not tracking has become my downfall, and is the habit that I have GOT to incorporate into my life, no matter how inconvenient it is!!! The one promise I am going to make myself over the next 30 days is to not expect perfection, to get back up when I fall, and to be the best Jamie I can be!!!

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