Friday, October 26, 2012


With a title like that, thank goodness I'm not referring to my boobs, my waddle under my arms or my belly. Although they all pretty much sag, this blog is NOT about any of them!

I am happy to tell you that this blog is about my pants!!!! Check out the picture!!! This makes me smile. The proof is in the pants!!!!

What can I say, I get really excited about stuff like this. It makes me feel really good about the journey I'm taking and makes me not want to stop!!!

Insanity is tough, but it's amazing! The hardest part for me right now, aside from getting out of bed early in the morning, is making sure I have good snacks on hand because burning that many calories makes you sooooooo much hungrier!!!

Anyway, excited to show the world more and more positive results!! 'Til next time!!!

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