Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Well, I challenged the Weight Watchers scale and it won. I gained a pound in the last week. But just because the scale won doesn't mean I lost. I have to be totally honest, at first I felt like someone had just knocked the wind out of me. I was so excited about my mile time yesterday and was ready to face the scale only to be discouraged that I had actually gained!

So I just spent about 20 minutes looking up on the internet "why did I gain weight after working out". There were several articles, all of which I could look at and say, "That's got to be it! That's why the scale was NOT in my favor!!"

You want the real answer? Yes, I had a butt-kicker of a week in the exercise department, and I should be proud of that. Yes, I may have gained some muscle and lost inches that the scale doesn't reflect. But when it boils right down to it, I HAVE to be better about tracking my food intake! It's a necessary part of this journey. Does it suck? Yeah, it really, really does. Tracking what you eat is probably one of the most inconvenient aspects of this journey. But how serious am I about becoming healthy? The most important things you strive for in life are the things you have to work the hardest at to achieve. I'm more serious about this than I have ever been.

So yes, I was discouraged last night and yes, I have things I need to do better. But I'm also making changes every single day that I'm proud of and I want my kids to see that. I'm becoming the good example and the positive influence that my children need in this crazy world. So kudos to me on my mile yesterday...and I will do better!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"No one ever drowned in sweat." - Author Unknown

I love that quote. It makes me smile. No, it really makes me laugh. I had two conversations today with people who simply refuse to sweat! Guess that's the difference between me and them.

I'm not saying that to be rude or to pat myself on the back or say I'm better than anybody else. I'm saying that because in the short amount of time that I've been on this journey, one thing that has become clear as glass is that no matter what it is that you're doing in your life, you are only going to get out of it what you put in to it. It's a choice...plain and simple.

A friend of mine posted a quote on Pinterest earlier today. I have to be honest, I like it...a lot...and thought I'd share. I vow to be the person who can look at this a year from now and not hate it because it's speaking directly to the person eating garbage and sitting on my ass!!!

That being said, the last two days have been defining for me. I know I have a long road ahead of me, and I'll continue to improve beyond where I am right now. But I haven't been able to do a mile in under 16 minutes in my entire lifetime. No joke...when we had those tests at the beginning and end of the school year when I was a kid, it literally took me 20 minutes to do a mile!! I almost never saw improvement...maybe a little because I didn't care, but more because I hated running and I truly sucked at it!!

So yesterday I decided that I needed to improve my mile time. Since I started my 30-second interval program, my very first time was just over 16 minutes, which I was pretty happy about. Each day I saw improvement and pushed myself a little harder. Yesterday I was absolutely time was 14 minutes, 40 seconds. All I did was increase my running speed my .5 mph. So today I decided to push myself a little more. I kept my running speed the same as yesterday and increased my walking speed by .5 mph. My time...wait for it...13 MINUTES 52 SECONDS!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited???

Guess maybe I can't believe I had it in me. But there it was, hitting me right smack in the forehead...I can do this. Running can be my friend!! As for the title of this posting, thank goodness you can't drown in sweat because today I would have had to call the Coast Guard to come save my butt!!!

Weight Watchers tonight...bring it on scale!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Working hard...but smiling more!

So this week I've probably worked harder than I have in the exercise department since I started Weight Watchers in May. In anticipation of actually seeing my progress, I started an exercise log. I'm a list maker, so the actual creation of the log wasn't the hard part. The hard part is me actually using it and being committed to it!!!

So what am I doing? Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are my cardio days. Monday and Tuesday I hit it hard. Based on the coaching of one of my best friend's cross country coach husband, I started doing a 30-second interval training. Walk 30 seconds/run 30 seconds...over and over again. I'd time out a mile, and then I'd finish off my workout by walking another half mile.

This being my first week of this, today was a little rough. I did the 30-second interval training for .6 miles. My calf muscle was on fire. And I'm not talking just the tired pain you get when you're working muscles that haven't been worked in while. I'm talking burning cramp that causes instant tears!! Okay, so it didn't actually cause me to cry, but I got off the treadmill instantly to try to stretch it out. Five minutes later I did climb back on the treadmill, and I finished off my mile at a slow and steady 3 mph pace!

Wednesdays and Fridays are weight lifting days, so for my lungs they are recovery days. For the rest of me, not so much! I don't feel too bad after yesterday's upper body training...we'll see how I feel after tomorrow's lower body training!!!

So after all that work why am I still smiling? Thank the good Lord above, I somehow managed to lose 5.4 pounds in the last two weeks, despite having missed both weeks of attending my Weight Watchers meeting. I'll admit I was pretty anxious to step on the scale. While I continued to exercise and didn't eat anything totally stupid during my 2-week absence (besides the deep fried Snickers bar), I didn't really have the same focus on my journey as I normally do. But that's the past...always moving forward!!!

Approximately 28 pounds down goal is 40 by October 6th, The Color Run. I know I can do it's time to prove it to myself!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Is that new?

Three words: "Is that new?"

Today I'm wearing dress pants that I hated wearing before because the button would dig into my tummy. As for the shirt, I don't think my fellow employees have seen in at least three years. Long enough that they had to ask, "Is that new?"

Simple as it is, this makes me smile.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Childlike Faith

As a child learning how to ride a bike, the piece of advice that is the same no matter who is teaching you is this: if you fall off, you get right back on and try again. Sometimes for a child it's hard to understand. But the person teaching you knows that eventually you're going to get it and at some point you'll look back and wonder why it took you so long to be brave enough to take those stinking training wheels off!

It's funny how that childlike faith can take a little one from a tricycle, to training wheels, to two wheels, to no hands. They can stand on the edge of the pool and jump never second guessing whether the person in the pool was going to catch them.

As adults, where has that childlike faith gone? Why is it so hard to just believe that you have it in you to accomplish whatever goals you put in front of you? Maybe we've had too much of a dose of overdose, so to speak. Life can be really hard. Some days harder than others.

So the one thing I'm going to work really hard at doing from this point on is to find that childlike faith again. After all, I have so many other people who believe I can continue this journey to health and darn it, I can be successful!! It's time I take that leap of childlike faith and never second guess that the people supporting me will always be there to help if I fall. And when I do fall, because I'm sure I will every now and then, I'll get right back up and start again!!!

For all those supporting me, thank you! You are my rocks, and I appreciate you!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Deep Fried Snickers!!!

Are you kidding me? A snickers bar, on a stick, dipped in batter, deep fat fried until golden brown, then sprinkled with powdered sugar???? Really?

Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!!

Okay, so given my current journey, I should be saying "No! No! No!!!!!" Since the creation of the deep fried Snickers bar, I've wanted to try it, but decided it wasn't worth standing in long lines well as paying $4. BUT, as I embarked on this journey to healthier living, I soon realized that one thing that I crave...a a Snickers bar! It's my go-to candy bar. Most days after eating one I question whether it was worth the 8 PointsPlus values...and many days I come to the conclusion that yes, in fact it WAS worth it!! I don't have them very often so when I do, I consider them a treat.

Back to the point...Monday my family went to the Iowa State Fair. The one place in the world where you have to search far and wide for a healthy treat. Sure there is fruit on a stick and salad on a stick, but seriously??!! I go the fair maybe once a year. So I'm thinking, let's splurge! I've been doing great, why not treat myself this one time??

So I waited in line, and I paid $4...and I loved it! Today I jumped back on the treadmill, kept refilling my water, ate my apple and cherry tomatoes (yes, together), and am back on track. I think that's the important part. Splurge if you must, as long as you get right back on track!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

24 down...76 to go

So I went to the doctor this morning to discuss a concern of mine. I keep feeling this lump (sort of like a big marble) in my jaw. It moves around and sometimes feels bigger...other times it's small enough I can't find it. Long story short, said a little prayer before the doctor came in and "thank you God" it's just a lymph node!! Didn't know lymph nodes just kind of float around and they can get swollen when you have a lot of drainage or an infection...just like your glands would! So they took some blood to see if I have an infection, but it could also be because my allergies are sooooo terrible right now, so I have a lot of drainage.

But the true point of this entry is some exciting news. The last time I met with Dr Abler was July 10th. In exactly one month I lost another 10 pounds, so I'm up to 24 pounds lost!!!! I'm so excited that I'm seeing this type of success this time around.

You know, in past times I've started this same journey, I had in my head that I should lose a lot of weight quickly because that's what happens when you're as overweight as I am. You see a lot of initial weight loss. Those times I didn't see results like that, so I got frustrated and decided it wasn't worth spending the money each month if I wasn't losing weight!!!

Reality check: I'm 10 years older than I was the first time I ever did Weight Watchers, during which I lost over 70 pounds. Increased age = decreased metabolism = increased difficulty in burning calories. The first time I joined the program I didn't truly exercise for the first 4-5 months!!!! I plateaued, joined the YMCA (it was a free membership through my work at the time), and less than a year later I was 70 pounds lighter.

This time around everything is different. First of all, exercise is my has to be one of my best friends, because this time around I'm not going to be able to accomplish my goals without it! But I don't hate it. In fact, the days I don't get to spend time with my new best friend, I actually kind of feel like crap! Whoa, hold the show...who is this person inside my body having an actual desire to be physically fit???!!! :)

My goal isn't to lose the weight yesterday. After all, it took 2 babies (who I wouldn't trade for the world) and 8 years of bad health decisions to put the weight on. It's not going to come off over night. I want a lifetime of change filled with good decisions regarding diet and exercise. I want this to be a true lifestyle change for my entire family. I want to become educated about health, and I want to be able to teach my kids the benefits of being healthy. I want to be a GOOD example to my children, not one who says, "Do as I say, not as I do".

So as of today I'm 24 pounds closer to my goal...that which is 100 pounds lost, at least to begin with! Once I hit that goal I may reevaluate and decide I want more, but oh what a day that is going to be. There will be a party...a big party. Think about it. Let's just say 100 pounds is the weight of your average freshman. I will have lost an entire CHILD!!!!!! I'm excited for that day. That excitement and anticipation is going to keep me going on this journey.

24 down...76 to go

Monday, August 6, 2012

Accountability...who is most important?

The one thing I've been fighting to overcome since the start of this journey is becoming accountable to the most important person...myself. Being a member of Weight Watchers, I have become accountable to the friends I've joined with, to my leader, and to the other members of my group. All through our childhood we are taught that it doesn't matter what other people think about you. Now here I am using my fear of disappointing and letting down my Weight Watchers friends as my motivation to keep going. Having somebody to be accountable to has been a key to my success thus far.

But why can't being accountable to ME be motivation? Why can't I be the person I fear letting down?

The next two weeks I will be missing my Weight Watchers meetings due to events I cannot change. And unfortunately I can't go to any of the other evening Weight Watchers meetings in the area. Now the accountability to ME has to kick in.

JC started the workout program Insanity a couple of weeks ago. In a matter of two weeks he's lost 9 pounds. Why is it that men lose so much faster than women? To the point, though, he has become the most accountable person I know. Yes, he's accountable to the group of four guys he works out with. But more importantly he's being accountable to himself by leaving our house by 5:00 every single morning to go work on himself...FOR himself!

Some days I find myself jealous that he can still do a program like Insanity and that it's working so well for him. Why do I let myself even go there? Why can't I just be thrilled that he's found something that he enjoys and that is going to help him get back to the body he is confident to be wearing??!! I get so frustrated that my knees won't allow me to get on the floor to do push ups or to do squats, or whatever. When I think of what my body was in college I become so frustrated with myself for having hated that body! What I wouldn't give to have that back now!

But you can't turn back time. I did this to my body, so now it's time to undo this.

I love my husband for making me jealous of his know why? Because I'm still the competitor I was in high school and darn it, I will NOT let him leave me in the dust!!! It might take me longer to get there because of what I have done to my body, but I will get there WITH his support. That's the key. I have his 100% support because now we have a common goal. To be Mom and Dad to the two coolest kids for a VERY long time!

From this point forward I promise myself I will be first and foremost accountable to the most important person in this journey...ME!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

10 Day Challenge Success

Okay, so it's been a little while since I've posted on here, so it's time to catch up!!! I completed the 10 day challenge and it was a success!!! Lost 4 pounds, my appetite was much more under control, and I had enough energy to get through my work day...success!!!

I have taken prescription appetite suppressants before. They worked, but I felt very nauseous if I ate past that feeling of fullness, and unfortunately there was no lead up to that feeling. It just hit me. I'm now taking Slimmetry, an all natural appetite suppressant that I buy through our Amway business. A little plug here: Nutrilite is the top selling vitamin and supplement company in the world!!! Prior to my 10 day challenge I knew that, but I didn't have enough faith in that statement to shout it to the world. Now I know first hand that Nutrilite is amazing! Slimmetry uses plant based ingredients that aid in suppressing the appetite and giving your body a feeling of satisfaction. After all, you should eat until you're satisfied, not until you're full!!! And that's exactly what it did. I could feel myself getting to that full status and programmed myself to just stop before I got there!! The best part was that I continued to not be hungry until 4-5 hours later!!!

In addition to taking Slimmetry for suppressing the appetite, I took the Rolls Royce of multi-vitamins as well as supplements to help me maximize my performance while exercising and to help boost my metabolism. All are made from natural ingredients, so I'm not worried at all about putting them into my body!!

All in all the 10 day challenge worked like a charm! 4 pounds in 10 days and more energy than I've had since before having the kids!! Maybe now I can play WITH the kids instead of watching them from a chair on the sidelines!!!!

To date: 15 lbs gone since joining Weight Watchers + 7 lbs lost prior to = 22 total lbs gone!

Next challenge: Camping this weekend with my family...yikes!