Thursday, August 23, 2012

Working hard...but smiling more!

So this week I've probably worked harder than I have in the exercise department since I started Weight Watchers in May. In anticipation of actually seeing my progress, I started an exercise log. I'm a list maker, so the actual creation of the log wasn't the hard part. The hard part is me actually using it and being committed to it!!!

So what am I doing? Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are my cardio days. Monday and Tuesday I hit it hard. Based on the coaching of one of my best friend's cross country coach husband, I started doing a 30-second interval training. Walk 30 seconds/run 30 seconds...over and over again. I'd time out a mile, and then I'd finish off my workout by walking another half mile.

This being my first week of this, today was a little rough. I did the 30-second interval training for .6 miles. My calf muscle was on fire. And I'm not talking just the tired pain you get when you're working muscles that haven't been worked in while. I'm talking burning cramp that causes instant tears!! Okay, so it didn't actually cause me to cry, but I got off the treadmill instantly to try to stretch it out. Five minutes later I did climb back on the treadmill, and I finished off my mile at a slow and steady 3 mph pace!

Wednesdays and Fridays are weight lifting days, so for my lungs they are recovery days. For the rest of me, not so much! I don't feel too bad after yesterday's upper body training...we'll see how I feel after tomorrow's lower body training!!!

So after all that work why am I still smiling? Thank the good Lord above, I somehow managed to lose 5.4 pounds in the last two weeks, despite having missed both weeks of attending my Weight Watchers meeting. I'll admit I was pretty anxious to step on the scale. While I continued to exercise and didn't eat anything totally stupid during my 2-week absence (besides the deep fried Snickers bar), I didn't really have the same focus on my journey as I normally do. But that's the past...always moving forward!!!

Approximately 28 pounds down goal is 40 by October 6th, The Color Run. I know I can do it's time to prove it to myself!

1 comment:

  1. you rock. And, I totally stole the 30 second interval training thing from Pinterest and a few articles I read about going from a couch potato to 5k, but Matt is beaming that you gave him a shout out for it! ;)

    I am so super proud of you! Love!
